Partnering with Southmead Development Trust

Greenway Hub initiative
Anchor recently joined forces with The John James Bristol Foundation, The Grateful Society and St Monica Trust to fund the Greenway Hub for older people based in Southmead. The Hub brings together a wide variety of community led services and activities to support wellbeing and independence into older age. Examples of the activities on offer include knit and natter, snooker, fitness classes, bingo, a wellbeing choir, games and coffee mornings, walking group, card making, book swop and creative writing. The great advantage of these activities is that they are in groups so a great antidote to loneliness and isolation. In addition, the Hub promotes volunteering so neighbours will be supporting others in their community.
Anchor’s specific role is to fund the Life Planning Coordinator (a qualified Occupational Therapist). This core member of the team visits local older people at home, completes life planning assessments, and coaches, supports and helps older people to take advantage of the activities and opportunities at the Greenway and in the local community.
We look forward to seeing how the project unfolds but the signs are that it has got off to a good start.

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